What is Internet Or Online Marketing?

Most of us probably consider ourselves rather well informed on the subject of internet marketing, which is also known as online marketing, web marketing, i-marketing, or e-Marketing. After all, we browse the internet, do some blogging, communicate in social media sites, and also see how online advertisers are trying to persuade us to buy. While most people probably do understand what internet marketing is, the word itself has often been misunderstood and used loosely even by those in the internet marketing field.

When a blogger speaks of internet marketing, he is actually talking about blogging. When an affiliate marketer speaks of internet marketing, he is actually talking about selling. When an online network marketer speaks of internet marketing, he is actually talking about recruiting and prospecting. Each of these people is talking about one part of the total internet marketing structure.

So what really is internet marketing?

Internet Marketing is a total system of interacting web business activities designed to plan the product, price, promotion, and how to distribute the want-satisfying products and services to present and potential customers.

Product (Is your product: innovative - truly unique, adaptive - replacement of existing product, or imitative - new to your company but not new to the internet marketplace. Branding and packaging do influence products),
Price (How much do you think I can get for this item? If the price of the product is too high or too low, it may have positive or negative effect on the company's internet marketing campaigns),
Promoting your business online is to persuade internet users to accept, resell, recommend, or use the product, service, or act favorably upon the idea being promoted, and
Distribute or Place (Since your product is now ready for its market, you need to establish distribution strategies, including selecting channels of distribution).
Most internet marketers define internet marketing as the advertising of products and services on the internet. This narrow definition reflects the sales and selling orientation which has permeated so much of online business. Advertising on the internet is one part of online promotion (others include online personal selling, online sales promotion, and online publicity), and online promotion is one part of the total internet marketing program. It should be noted particularly that "online promotion" and "online sales promotion" are different. Online marketing is not any one activity, nor is it exactly the sum of several; rather, it is the result of the interaction of many activities such design, development, online advertising, and online sales.

However, we need to also recognize that i-marketing has other dimensions far broader than our definition. In the design aspect of internet marketing, your web site is very important. It is where the traffic will be directed to and also where most of the sales will come from. So you need to have a uniquely designed web site that is well structured, search engine optimized with the right keywords and description, contents and graphic rich, and has the marketing elements to improve your visitors' conversion ratio.

In the development aspect, the product planning is very important. You need to plan on developing or getting the right product or service to the internet marketplace, and at the right price. Will your product be sold through affiliate marketing, network marketing, directly to consumers, or directly to other businesses (B2B)? There is many other online business models you can develop based on the specific needs of each person or business when launching your web marketing campaign.

Your online advertising aspect is also one part of the total online marketing program. There are several online media you can use to create brand awareness about your product, service, idea, or company.

In the online sales aspect of your online marketing campaign, you will need to plan how your goods or services will be distributed to your customers, how payments will be processed (is it through PayPal, liberty reserve, or other merchant accounts?), and how sales can be increased.


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