Facebook Marketing Made Easy

In a very short period of time, Facebook went from being a way for college students to connect to a global marketplace for small businesses. The Facebook user database is made of up students, professionals, adults, teens, and people from all over the world. Setting up a Facebook page for your business can prove to be one of your smartest marketing moves. Understand how to go viral with Facebook marketing with these strategies below.

Set up a profile page

Facebook offers a host of viral channels to reach a broad audience all at no cost. To make your presence on Facebook, you first need to set up a profile page.

Your profile page is the your landing page designed to allow users to engage in a part of your business identity. Your profile page should express why you are passionate about your business, and really make a brand for your company. Create a real story about why you started your business and what motivates you.

Completely fill out your personal information, work information, photo uploads, and all of the other applications that really allow your visitors to get to know the person behind the company. Facebook offers what your website cannot. It allows you to become a real person rather than just a business model and marketing portfolio.

Facebook users have a habit of browsing pages connected to friends or people they want to know about. Connect yourself to hundreds of friends, affiliates, customers, and partners in order to reap the benefits of your Facebook marketing campaign. The more people you connect with, the more views your profile will receive. In turn, your Facebook profile will drive traffic to your business website.

Start a Facebook group
Groups allow you to build a community around your brand or company. Set up a group and invite friends, customers, and partners to join. This creates a central meeting place for everyone to discussion your brand. Group members can create discussion topics, post photos, videos, and other links.

Creating a group for your business also allows you to send news about events, promotions, sales, and new products or services. Group members will also be able to invite their Facebook friends to join. Your group can grow rapidly within a matter of days if other group members generate enough buzz. Your group appears on your members' profiles, thus allowing their friends to see that they are a member of your group. Imagine your group sitting right on the page of hundreds of members.

If your group grows to a certain size, you will be unable to send out mass emails to every group member. Facebook is working on these issues and you will soon be able to have more members than currently allowed. Groups can also invite potential spammers. You may spend a considerable amount of time delete spam from wall posts. However, this is just a small issue to deal with when considering how much exposure you receive from your Facebook group.

Facebook has over 350,000 members and is growing every day. Your business can reach one of the largest and most diverse audiences through Facebook marketing. The greatest parts of marketing through Facebook pages and groups are that you pay nothing and you are able to interact with your audience.

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